Wednesday, July 31, 2013

World War 1 Japanese Infantry

World War 1 Japanese Infantry from Armies in Plastic

  These figures are World War 1 Japanese infantry produced by Armies in Plastic. Armies in Plastic is one of my all-time favorite producers. (If you'd like to check out my previous review of the Cuban Insurrectos set, click here: is one of their newer sets and has really caught my eye, just like the Insurrectos. The poses aren't unique, but are not cliche either. On the top row you have the officer raising his katana to rally his troops while he billows them forward, the next pose is of an infantryman thrusting or firing a carefully aimed shot, then there is another one who is steadily advancing or advancing carefully towards the enemy lines, and the last one is charging (I do not know if I should say banzai charge or not). The bottom row consists of a soldier hitting an enemy with the butt of his Type 38 rifle, a soldier charging with his bayonet towards the enemy, the other one is standing and firing, and the last one is kneeling and firing.

 As I said before the poses aren't the most unique but some, such as the officer, are not common poses and the era and country these figures come from is enough to defeat all that. The quality, I can say, is great (although sometimes the flexible plastic in the guns bends) and the attention to detail is not bad either.

 They all seem to wear and identical uniform with no uniqueness in between, but a fresh European army unit most likely looked like this anyway. This period is usually not available in 54mm as are other periods that this producer makes which is why I treasure Armies in Plastic so much.

 The detail, realism, price ($15.00), rareness of time period, and quality all lead me to give it a 9/10.



(P.S. These can also be used for a variety of wars such as the Russo-Japanese War and the Boxer Rebellion)

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